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바누 banu

[BANU] Neck Shoulder Stretcher

[BANU] Neck Shoulder Stretcher

Regular price $35.00 USD
Regular price $49.00 USD Sale price $35.00 USD
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- 목 보호대 교정기

- 거북목, 목 디스크, 목 견인기, 목 교정기

- 공기순환방식으로 땀이 차지 않아 쾌적한 착용

- 턱이 편한 실리콘 소재로 제작, 청결한 분리 세척

- 잠수복에 사용되는 반영구적 네오프랜 밴드

- 손쉬운 착용을 위한 밴드 고리 탑재

- 6대 유해물질 불검출


✔ Relief and Correction the neck pain in use 15 Minutes per Day. Please check the size of the device and your face first, then adjust the angle of the device for your size.

✔ Simple and Effective Physical solution to smooth away stiff neck and helps in restoring. Neck Support Device.

✔ Easy to use and carry out anywhere. Traction device makes it easy to do physical therapy exercises at home, work, and school everywhere.

✔ Comfortable design & Breathable material: The Ergonomic V-Shaped Design improves the physiological curvature of the cervical spine and making it more comfortable to wear.


바누 목교정기 banu neckbrace 거북목 교정기

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